Guest Blogger: Axiom
Axiom, one of the 12 competitors from the First Annual HHK Championship is here to guest on the blog... take it over Ax:

The final countdown is here, baby bubbas. Leave your strobelite honies at home, powder up your Similac winners. The moment we’ve all be waiting for is right around the corner. As Busta might say, “There’s only five [days] left!!!!!!!!”
Okay, we all have our favorite live shows that we’ve seen over the years. My all-time favorite was the Victory tour, September 1984 in Philly, which was my first concert ever. The crowd was very big (60,000 strong I later learned); I was very small. But for this blog entry, now that I’m large and in charge, I only want to hear about memories of your favorite hip-hop concerts. Pick three, I guess. Tell me about the story surrounding the concert or the concert itself, whatever.
My two favorite stories both involve the same group. There was a time when I was a Roots concert junkie. I remember catching glimpses of them having bucket ciphers on South Street back when they were the Square Roots. (I always thought it must be an American hip-hop no-no to to call yourself “square” anything; that’s why they had to get their first major burn overseas.) When I went away to college, I went from casually enjoying The Roots to actively seeking them out. A handful of us arranged to have them come perform at my tiny New England college. I worked “security” backstage at the show, stage right the whole time, just watching their performance up close. I don’t think my lightweight self provided too much in the way of real security. After the show, while I was helping to break down the instruments, ?uestlove chatted with me and signed a Roots T-shirt for me.
Last but not least, I remember seeing The Roots perform at the Bowery Ballroom when the song “You Got Me” was very popular. I got in because my homie worked for a label and had an extra ticket. We stood down near the front. The show is memorable to me for two main reasons: 1. I saw Jill Scott perform “You Got Me,” which she wrote, for the first time. I guess Erykah couldn’t make it for whatever reason. Jill brought the house down. 2. It turns out The Roots were recording their live album that night, The Roots Come Alive. It’s unique to be able to relive the whole show every time I pop in my Come Alive cassette.
So, tell me about some of your favorite concerts. I’ve gone to my fare share of NYC free summer concerts – but I’m sure a native New Yorker can expound better on the topic. Or maybe a Canadian can tell me some stories about dope shows out in B.C. Let us know!
- Axiom
The final countdown is here, baby bubbas. Leave your strobelite honies at home, powder up your Similac winners. The moment we’ve all be waiting for is right around the corner. As Busta might say, “There’s only five [days] left!!!!!!!!”
Okay, we all have our favorite live shows that we’ve seen over the years. My all-time favorite was the Victory tour, September 1984 in Philly, which was my first concert ever. The crowd was very big (60,000 strong I later learned); I was very small. But for this blog entry, now that I’m large and in charge, I only want to hear about memories of your favorite hip-hop concerts. Pick three, I guess. Tell me about the story surrounding the concert or the concert itself, whatever.
My two favorite stories both involve the same group. There was a time when I was a Roots concert junkie. I remember catching glimpses of them having bucket ciphers on South Street back when they were the Square Roots. (I always thought it must be an American hip-hop no-no to to call yourself “square” anything; that’s why they had to get their first major burn overseas.) When I went away to college, I went from casually enjoying The Roots to actively seeking them out. A handful of us arranged to have them come perform at my tiny New England college. I worked “security” backstage at the show, stage right the whole time, just watching their performance up close. I don’t think my lightweight self provided too much in the way of real security. After the show, while I was helping to break down the instruments, ?uestlove chatted with me and signed a Roots T-shirt for me.
Last but not least, I remember seeing The Roots perform at the Bowery Ballroom when the song “You Got Me” was very popular. I got in because my homie worked for a label and had an extra ticket. We stood down near the front. The show is memorable to me for two main reasons: 1. I saw Jill Scott perform “You Got Me,” which she wrote, for the first time. I guess Erykah couldn’t make it for whatever reason. Jill brought the house down. 2. It turns out The Roots were recording their live album that night, The Roots Come Alive. It’s unique to be able to relive the whole show every time I pop in my Come Alive cassette.
So, tell me about some of your favorite concerts. I’ve gone to my fare share of NYC free summer concerts – but I’m sure a native New Yorker can expound better on the topic. Or maybe a Canadian can tell me some stories about dope shows out in B.C. Let us know!
- Axiom
Good stuff, Ax.
Only two of these three actually took place in B.C., as a matter of fact. Turns out there is hip-hop outside of Western Canada...
1. KRS-ONE @ Prospect Park Bandshell, Brooklyn, August 3, 2007. This show was off the hook. Kris dropped reams of science, and a whole lot of energy, on an ecstatic crowd that Summer eve. He exhorted us to "visualize your future" and other New-Age-yet-common-sense-sounding instructions. Most inspiring was his anecdote of being homeless and sleeping on the same bandshell, vowing that one day "we gonna rock this park". Then he looks up at the crowd, points to the spot where he used to sleep, points to us, and says, "This is so crazy right here. You have no idea. 'Cause see, I'm in my dream right now!" I was inspired, to put it mildly.
2. De La Soul @ Atlantis Nightclub, Vancouver BC, 2003ish. The venerable old plugs were all over the stage, doing their thing as only they can, and then all of a sudden Mase drops the beat to ATCQ's "Buggin' Out". I'm thinking, microphone check, one two, what is this? The answer came in the form of a hyped-up and husky-sounding Phife Diddawg, who busted his classic verse. After the show I ran into Posdnuos on the street, and I thanked him from the bottom of my heart for the care and commitment in his rhymes and all the hours of listening pleasure.
I still have no idea what Malik was doing in Vancouver.
3) Raekwon The Chef @ Richard's on Richards, Vancouver BC, February 7 2000. After suffering through a lumbering set by his Immobilarity-era crew American Cream Team, I was ecstatic to see Lex, gold teeth and all. He admitted off the bat to being in a "fucked-up" frame of mind, as he'd just found out that Big Punisher had died. Most of the crowd hadn't heard the news until that moment, and the mood in the 200-person room sank. But Rae was so real about it, and just said that as much as he didn't want to be performing right then, it's what Pun would want. He went on to rock a generous set of Wu and solo hits. I felt like I got to see him as a real person for the first time, and it solidified my fascination with the Clan.
The censors took out my would-be 4th paragraph! Here's the raw uncut real. I picked three stories, not two, y'all. Free Axiom! Free Axiom:
I guess I got hooked on their live instruments and energy because sometime not long after that three friends of mine and I had the bright idea to do a last minute road-trip from Western Massachusetts to Ithaca, NY just to see The Roots perform, all in one night. My ignorance of the extreme distance involved and of the extreme whiteness of upstate NY makes for the best part of the story, since I agreed to be the driver. I thought to myself, “Ah, how far could it be – MA and NY boarder each other; hey, maybe Ithaca is cool.” Six hours of highway driving later, I was in shell shock. Let’s just say we stopped for gas only once – in some rural town that felt like a museum with no people. The whole time we were waiting for the gas to pump, all I heard was church bells ringing for no reason for at least, like, 15 minutes straight. I was shook and took it as a sign that somewhere the townsfolk were assembling to counter our arrival. I looked at the other passengers in my car, all of us black, and said, “Uh, I think we better get the hell outta here; all I wanted was some gas and some music!” The actual concert in Ithaca was cool but let’s just say I don’t know how some of our favorite HHK family members actually went to grad school up there.
upstate ny sucks, no doubt. but ax, judging by your reaction to ithaca, apparently you haven't spent much time around the rather non-urban portions of your home state - especially those portions going toward the WVA border. cue the dueling banjos ...
Here are my three fave shows:
1. Run-DMC @ University of Maryland - While I was in college, my track team took a trip down to Nationals in MD. Our track team wasn't large, and we didn't take much seriously. As soon as the van stopped, and we had our rooms. . . my boy Foster and I went out to investigate the campus (aka get into some mischief.) So we happen upon a bunch of people, and tagged along to see where they were going. G. Love & Special Sauce were playing outdoors, and we were just about to leave when Foster's hottie radar went off. Foster is kickin' game, and one of them asks if we like Run-DMC. We said "Yeah. . . what's your point?" 10 minutes later we were singin' along as DMC was holding his Adidas in the air. . .
2. The Roots @ Radio City - I was at the 1st show, and although we know how it was "supposed" to go down. . . it was still the best of all The Roots shows I've been to. They never dissapoint.
3. Rakim @ H.O.B. in Atlantic City - I got to see the legend rip all his hits. There wasn't one song I left saying "I wish he woulda done _____." When he broke out a stool and performed "Follow the Leader". . . priceless.
sorry, ax, i had to trim your post for length... our blog is too skinny and shit.
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Honorable metnion: Harlem Week during the 80's. The state office building on 125th and 7th ave was the place to be. The only problem is at some point you were going to have to run. Running at Concerts were the norm those days gunshouts, fights or who knows what had you running (Cedric the entertainer was on point with that joke). Never got to see a whole show.
1.Nokia Theater-Little Brother, Big Daddy Kane and MF Doom. I love the fact Peter Rock was on the turntables and he played G'z Up by Jim Jones and they booed. He shut em up with a comment about producing the track, but that was my favorite track at the time. LB killed it, Kane was amazing (best ever) & Doom was more than I ever expected. His show when it is him are legendary. The fact that he was on some Hacksaw Jim Duggan with his hypemen made it so worthwhile.
2. Summer of 1997 freshman year prior to school starting I'm at a Suny Albany show. The lineup, J-Live,(someone else big at that time) Redman(Dare iz a darkside era), KRS-One. Best show ever and it was like 10 bucks.
3. Toads Place-New Haven CT-Black Eyed Peas and Kweli, 2000. Myself and my buddies always drove from Schenectady to CT for shows to drive right back. I had a paper due the next day so you know what that means. I'm writing my paper in the back seat using a flashlight and notebook (not laptop) We get there on the line.
Bouncer: You here for the show
Bouncer: come this way. $25.
My friends stand their dumbfounded as we walk in. It was 15 per to get to the show and he let us all in for $25. They asked what i said to him, I said nothing. BEP killed it.
^^ uhm, hell yeah. that nokia theater show was crazy. kane in a red leather suit? awesome.
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