Yes, our good buddy Rick added another digit to his age. We here at HHK wish him a very happy birthday. Next time you see him, buy him a Bartles & James. Thank him for all of his hard work snapping your photos. Let him know.....that you care.
The HHK crew are packing their bags - Jay, don't forget your Marvin Gaye, Danger Mouse, and De La Soul is Dead t shirts - and heading to the land of the Twins, Timberwolves, and Vikings. That's right, DJ Wex, J. New, and yours truly are heading to Minnesota to the Sound Set festival's official after party!
So, in honor of this joyous occassion, your choice cuts for this glorious Friday, May 23rd of Memorial Day weekend, are tracks from some of Minny's finest...
Brother Ali - "Forest Whitiker"http://www.zshare.net/audio/124657269bc2ae2e/This is the first track I had ever heard from Brother Ali...It is funky fresh to the nth degree...One of the rare self-deprecating rap songs (think Fat Lip's "What's Up Fat Lip")... Great production, and Ali kills it... You know what to do... Download it!
Eyedea - "Bottle Dreams"http://www.zshare.net/audio/124661602b598d90/Keeping with the introspective theme, comes "Bottle Dreams". A much darker "Millie Pulled A Pistol On Santa", this is a dope cut off of Eyedea's
The Many Faces of Oliver Hart, an album I happen to be a very big fan of. Most people know Eyedea as the kid who won the Blaze battle that was on HBO, but he's been paying dues for years. Check it out.. DOWNLOAD IT!
Atmosphere - "Nothing But Sunshine"http://www.zshare.net/audio/12468166fe24784c/First Atmosphere song I ever heard was when Bobbito played "Scapegoat".. Dug it, but not enough to really seek anything further out... That was rough time in my life, where I liked everything to come to me.. And if Bob wasn't playing it, it wasn't on my radar.. I had some sort of compilation CD that "Nothing But Sunshine" was on, and loved it. That's when I said, "hey.. the kid's alright". Now you too can make that decision when you... DOWNLOAD IT!
Have a great Memorial Day weekend people.
Stay out of trouble, and have a burger and Heineken for me.